In addition to Santa Claus and the Three Wise Men, there is one adorable visitor that children are always waiting for, especially at a certain age: when their teeth start to shake. He is tiny, soft and generous, he has a pink tail, black eyes and adorable little ears. Yes, you guessed it: it's the Tooth Fairy.

This beloved mouse is in charge of collecting the baby teeth that children lose. The usual thing is to put them under their pillows to find a coin, gift or small toy the next day.

At Cucamenta we have a very special and ideal gift so that the little ones have a place to store their baby teeth and wait for the visit of this magical friend: the tooth boxes, which also have their didactic side, since that help promote oral hygiene, a good tooth brushing routine and knowledge of one's own body.

Tooth boxes to receive the Pérez Mouse

Tooth boxes

The tooth boxes for children are made of wood, and you can choose between three available characters: rabbit, bear or fox. Its opening and closing system is very simple, consisting of a silicone ring. The colors are soft and its appearance is very tender, ideal for decorating your room.

In addition, they can store their tooth box anywhere, and even take it to school, thanks to its small size: it only measures 6 centimeters.

The ideal age to acquire this toy is 5 or 6 years old, when baby teeth begin to fall out to make way for permanent teeth, a process that can be difficult, annoying or disturbing for some children.

To quell this concern and resolve doubts, there is nothing better than providing children with all the important information they need to know: explaining that they will have new teeth and emphasizing a daily oral hygiene routine that is fun and necessary to have healthy and healthy teeth. strong is essential.

The boxes to "hide" those teeth are perfect for turning this vital moment into a special memory, while instilling healthy habits and promoting a game. It is about turning the loss of teeth into an achievement that they can be proud of - since it is part of the natural growth process -, feeding positive reinforcement.

The Little Mouse Pérez in other countries around the world

The visits of the Rantoncito Pérez are almost universal, although this name is typical of Spanish-speaking countries, with the exception of Mexico, where it is called the Mouse of the Teeth.

If you are curious, you should know that in France it is known as la petite souris ("Little Mouse"), and in Italy it is Topolino, Topino ("Little Mouse") or Fatina ("Little Fairy"). But there are more magical beings in charge of collecting teeth in other parts of the world, such as the Tooth Fairy ("Tooth Fairy") in the German countries, l'Angelet ("the Little Angel") or La rateta ("the Little Rat") in Catalonia, Maritxu teilatukoa ("Mary on the roof") in the Basque Country - especially in Biscay -, or L'Esquilu de los dientis ("The Squirrel with the Teeth") in Cantabria.

The first appearance of this beloved rodent is in an 18th century French tale by Baroness d'Aulnoy, entitled La Bonne Petite Souris (The Good Mouse). In Spain, the Jesuit Luis Coloma wrote a story at the request of Queen Regent María Cristina for King Alfonso XIII in 1884, when he was only eight years old and lost a baby tooth.

As a curiosity, the author located the home of the Ratoncito Pérez in the Prast Confiteria on 8 Arenal Street in Madrid. In the capital it is possible to visit the door to this character's house, located at the bottom of the access to the Bank of Spain station, located next to the Army Headquarters.


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