We are super happy to have come this far. After many months of work we have managed to shape our Cucamenta educational and musical toy store.
We like to play and we like to educate, and that is why we orient ourselves towards a pedagogical vision of the game, the toy, the learning of the little ones in the house, in short, of that fascinating world that is development and growth. of boys and girls from birth.
As you already know, each individual has their own rhythm and the game is the best way to enhance skills and reinforce weaknesses. Play is the most natural medium and encourages imagination, motivation and curiosity. It is the context where children are themselves and where they become our teachers.
We love to see children play, listen to their language, discover their creativity, learn from their innocence, in that game there are no limits. We are going to allow them to play freely and let us also play with them. Through different types of toys, cognitive, social, emotional, creative and physical skills are activated, which are the five most important evolutionary areas.
As you can see, we not only stick to the recreational aspect of toys and games, but we go further, we want to emphasize comprehensive development, valuing aspects such as social interaction, the development of emotions and creativity. , intellectual abilities and psychomotor skills.
On the other hand, having adequate toys in the educational environment favors joint work between families and educators, which represents an incredible advance in the learning processes of the little ones.
For all this... Let the game begin! We wait for you!


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