Gone are the days when people had a chorizo ​​or nut sandwich every day. Although sausage or chocolate are great occasional pleasures for the little ones in the house to enjoy something delicious, today we will give you a few ideas for healthy sandwiches and snacks for children.

The fundamental thing about snacks - as well as mid-morning snacks or other snacks - is that they have a high nutritional density - that is, that the available calories concentrate the greatest possible density of nutrients, or that the amount of beneficial nutrients they contain a food in relation to its calorie content. Therefore, they should be snacks rich in vitamins, minerals and essential macronutrients , such as amino acids and essential fatty acids.

The Spanish Academy of Dietetic Nutrition, in the words of the dietitian-nutritionist Yolanda Sala, considers that the snack is not mandatory, but that the intake guidelines depend on the particular circumstances. What is really essential is to eat balanced meals, especially taking into account that in Spain, 40% of children are overweight or obese, and poor nutrition is one of the risk factors.

Say goodbye to industrial smoothies and juices, harmful pastries or processed meats. The first guideline is to include more fruit - much better in season - and water, to help dehydrate the child. Plain yogurt, eggs, bananas, hummus, nuts, and healthy snacks are some good ideas.

What does it take for a snack to be healthy? According to the Spanish Academy of Dietetic Nutrition, it must meet these three key points: whole wheat bread - sourdough, different cereals would also work -, size appropriate for the appetite and needs of the child, and a healthy filling. At Cucamenta we will give you a few good ideas. Who said that eating healthy, creative and fun was incompatible?

Ideas for healthy sandwich fillings for children

  • A quality cheese with quince, to which you can add a discarded ripe banana : it is a sandwich from the time of grandparents rich in calcium, proteins, vitamins or potassium.
  • Tuna or belly belly with chives, tomato and a splash of extra virgin olive oil : a filling rich in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E, linoleic acid, protein of high biological value or antioxidants such as lycopene .
  • Roasted vegetables with hummus : use fresh seasonal vegetables to prepare escalivada or roast your favorite vegetables with spices. Some good ideas are pepper, eggplant, pumpkin, carrot or zucchini. Prepare a good homemade chickpea, bean or lentil hummus so that the sandwich is creamy and super complete on a nutritional level.
  • Egg with avocado : a delicious and super healthy filling that you can complete with fresh herbs such as cilantro, a few slices of serrano ham or a green leafy vegetable such as lamb's lettuce. A single egg has 6 grams of protein and 14 essential nutrients, including vitamins A, B, D and E, choline, tryptophan, calcium, selenium, folic acid, iodine, copper, zinc and iron. Avocado has fiber, numerous minerals and protein, and is one of the best sources of good fats out there.
  • Salmon with fresh cheese: two very healthy ingredients that go great together and are ideal for a really tasty and amazing snack, rich in complete protein, calcium, B vitamins or omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Tofu with pickles : If your family follows a vegetarian diet or you want to include more plant foods in your diet, try tofu sandwiches, rich in essential amino acids, fiber, manganese, calcium, selenium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron or zinc. It lacks saturated fat and has omega-3 alpha-linolenic acid. You can give it a crunchy touch by accompanying it with pickles.
  • Olivada: olives are one of the richest and most important foods in the Mediterranean diet. Grind them with garlic, oil, nuts or dried tomatoes to obtain a delicious olive oil, an exquisite homemade spread with which you can prepare toasts and sandwiches of ten.
  • Tempeh with beets and sprouts : an original sandwich that takes advantage of the potential of sprouts -rich in probiotics good for the intestinal microbiota-, the antioxidants of beets and the vegetable protein of legumes.
  • Chicken or turkey with spinach and pesto : another original sandwich idea with an adequate proportion of macronutrients and micronutrients, the star touch of basil and a fun way to eat spinach. If you want it to be even more crunchy, add some radishes.
  • Mushrooms with veganaise : you can bread or bread mushrooms, mushrooms and mushrooms, season them with spices and prepare a healthy veganaise with sunflower seeds, aquafaba or vegetable milk as an accompaniment. Mushrooms also do great with scrambled eggs or a little cream cheese, as well as some good piquillo peppers.

For the best children's sandwiches , let your imagination fly: fermented ones like sauerkraut or kimchi, preserves like sardines or anchovies, homemade pâtés like boletus or artichoke, sauces like guacamole or protein sources like seitan can help you make healthier, more exciting and diverse snacks.


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