In the oldest things there is the most remote knowledge, valuable treasures that have helped humanity get here: from the wheel to the printing press, it is great that you can talk to children about the most curious and important inventions that have marked the world. direction of history. Through stories, movies or educational resources on the Internet you can also talk to them about those professions that have disappeared or are at risk of extinction, from night watchmen to sharpeners.

But there are also traditional crafts that can become new hobbies for your children and help them learn new skills, find alternative channels for their imagination, work on their concentration and perseverance or have contact with other artistic materials and techniques.

In relation to other jobs, traditional crafts have unique and peculiar characteristics: normally, the person who exercises them masters the complete production process, has the ability to create something unique and special - which is made by hand, in an artisanal way -, and in contrast to industrial production, two products can hardly be identical.

Four traditional crafts to teach your children (and where to start)

Traditional crafts for children


(From the Greek κεραμικός, keramikós), ceramics is the art of making vessels and other pieces of clay, clay or other ceramic material by the action of heat, firing them at a temperature greater than 900 degrees. Its history goes back thousands of years: there are examples of prehistoric ceramics as early as the Neolithic.

Having contact with ceramics in childhood allows children to foster their creativity - since it is a very plastic material and full of possibilities -, work on fine and gross motor skills - and hand-eye coordination -, strengthen their hands, optimize their balance, calm your anxiety, relax and improve your self-esteem. All this while your imagination takes flight.

To start working with ceramics, there are many ceramic and pottery kits for children on the market - and even small wheels adapted to their children's builds. You can also sign them up for class, take an online course with them with the material at home or attend an introductory workshop held in your city.


This ancient craft is another of the oldest arts of humanity , practiced from strips or fibers of plant origin - such as reeds, papyrus, algae, bamboo or jute - or of animal origin - such as alpaca, wool or leather. Records have been dated to 10,000 or 12,000 years ago.

This craft activity is very comforting, it connects children with the environment, tradition and nature, improves their mental health and also helps them work on numerous cognitive and motor skills. It also improves mood and self-confidence, as happens when working with your hands.

To start practicing this hobby with your children, on the Internet you can find basket weaving kits for children - with which you can make little fish, baskets or bags from scratch using materials such as wicker. You will also find videos and tutorials on platforms such as YouTube, TikTok or Instagram. You can even start by making baskets with newspapers.

Goldsmithing and jewelry

Jewelers and goldsmiths are artisans - and practically alchemists - who transform the magic of metals, gems and materials from nature into unique and unrepeatable objects, combining technical and design notions with creativity, delicacy and imagination.

Children can attend goldsmithing and jewelry courses and workshops, as well as spend time making jewelry at home. With it they acquire manual dexterity and fine motor skills, relax and exercise the muscles of their fingers and hands, and visual acuity. With it you will also encourage responsibility and care for belongings, the expression of their creativity and individuality and they will be able to give unique gifts to their loved ones.

On YouTube or Pinterest you will find a lot of information for children to start making simple pieces like children's bracelets . You can also take a look at the online courses on platforms like Domestika.

Carpentry and joinery

The craft of carving and working with wood also dazzles boys and girls, and there are many steps you can take so that they can take their first steps in complete safety.

It is another of the activities that contribute to motor skills and concentration, to exercise mathematical thinking - they will become familiar with notions such as size, shape, volume, geometry, measurement or distance - and spatial logic, to assume responsibilities and work on their strength of determination. willpower.

You can start with small toys like the wooden toolbox and move on to carpentry kits for projects - they are usually for ages eight and up -, look for courses and even restore, varnish or sand antique furniture and pieces in the company of your children. .

In addition, there are many other activities that you can do with your child: ornithology, drying leaves, collecting flowers, having your own urban garden, making homemade pizza in a wood-burning oven, preparing cakes or learning about mechanics are other creative hobbies. that will allow you to connect and spend exciting times together.


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