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Jute Bowl Basket


SKU:   TDCC00215A

Bowl Color: Natural

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Jute basket bowl designed to classify and store objects, perfect for keeping heuristic game materials organized and for using them as a treasure basket.

Its shallow depth makes it easy for them to access their materials. They are also an interesting way for children to use the basket as part of their play.

They are ideal for our materials thanks to their great resistance and low flexibility. Children enjoy having their toys and materials easily accessible in accordance with Montessori principles.

Having things organized and classified makes it easier for children to learn to put things away by themselves, and with this natural storage basket with rim it will be super easy to achieve this.

Musical Tip 🎶 : To support this routine, you can show your children the following video, where the group Pica Pica sings the song "A guarda":

Material: Jute, 100% biodegradable and recyclable.

Size: 18cm diameter x 8cm height.

1 year

The Details

  • Weight:

    0.55 kg

  • In Stock:


Jute Bowl Basket

Pedagogical Tip 👩🏻‍🎓:

The Montessori materials were scientifically designed in an experimental context within the classroom, paying special attention to the interest of children according to the evolutionary stage in which they are and with the conviction that the manipulation of specific objects helps the development of knowledge. and abstract thought.

These materials allow children to investigate and explore individually and independently. They enable repetition, which promotes concentration.

They have the quality of isolating difficulties, that is, each one introduces a single variable, a single new concept, isolating it and leaving the other concepts unchanged.
The materials have error control: it is the same material that will show the child if they used it correctly.

In this way, children know that error is part of the learning process, they manage to establish a positive attitude towards it, they take responsibility for their own learning, and they develop self-confidence.

Some principles of Montessori Education supported by scientific research (Montessori. The Science Behind de Genius, Angeline Stoll Lillard, 2005, Oxford University Press):

1. Thought and movement: thought and movement are closely linked. Movement enhances thinking and learning.

2. Free choice: Learning and well-being improve when people feel they have control over their lives. Independence, willpower and responsibility develop.

3. Interest: the child learns best when he/she is interested in what he/she is learning. Helps understanding and concentration.

4. The reward is internal: practice leads to achievement. It contributes to self-esteem, a sense of responsibility and critical thinking.

5. Learning from and with peers: learning is enhanced by the exercise of teaching others. Promotes respect, tolerance and solidarity.

6. Learning within context: learning situated in meaningful context is deeper and richer than learning in an abstract context.

7. Teacher/student interaction: the teacher observes and accompanies, enabling the child to act, love and think for himself, helping him to develop confidence and inner discipline.

8. Order in the environment and in the mind: external order and sequence in the use of materials are beneficial for the child's internal order. Promotes clarity of thought and concentration.

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