Musical notes
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Musical deck containing 45 cards. It presents 4 cards of each note, from C3 to F4 and one with the treble clef.
With this set of cards you can learn musical notes by playing.
Furthermore, by reading the QR code on the back, you can listen to the note on the letter and dare to guess it.

The Details
0.5 kg
Paper, cardboard
25cm x 18cm x 8cm
In Stock:
Musical notes
Musical Tip 🎶:
Zoltan Kodaly (Hungarian composer of the late 19th century and early 20th century) launched a musical method that favors and enhances the learning of music regardless of the age at which it begins, since he affirms that this art is always present in the life of man and that therefore music is linked to humanity.
However, he states that for good learning, the repertoire learned as well as the methodology followed must be of quality.
His method highlights different aspects of music through the presence of four elements:
- Hearing, which is developed through the imitation of sounds that become internalized with practice.
- Rhythm, which is worked on by reading sheet music in which the different elements of the language are explained.
- The hand, through which the undulations of the melody become visible with the execution of ascending and descending movements.
- Expressiveness, which is achieved through the transmission of the feelings that each person has through their voice and which are enhanced in the community.
How is learning music and hearing development with this method?
Working and automating the different hand movements with each of the notes, internalizing the intervals and emitting the sounds with a worked voice and expression.
To facilitate the movements made with the hand, we provide the following drawing with which we hope you can better understand each of the notes of the diatonic major scale (C Major).
In this way, we can assimilate not only the sounds, but also the intervals between the different sounds of the scale (do-re, do-mi, do-fa...) and automate them.
This is what is called phononymy, that is, the relationship of sounds with hand gestures.
We always use the same gesture to refer to notes with the same name, regardless of their height (low C and high C are set with the same gesture although in one case the hand is lower and in the other the hand is higher).
In this way we facilitate learning.
Thus, we understand that the learning process begins with the internalization of the sounds of the (diatonic) scale, for which the Kodaly Method is of great help at early ages.
After internalizing the sound, we name those sounds, to later place them on the staff and complete the learning of musical notation.
This musical notes material allows you to learn and play to assimilate and work on the intonation of the notes and their placement on the staff.
With this card game we can deepen our learning of musical language in a fun way. You can play games to guess the sound from the note and vice versa. You can invent melodies to perform them well in tune.
And countless other activities, with the aim of strengthening musical knowledge.
Musical notes
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With the advice of the Mallorca Chamber of Commerce

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