Each boy or girl is a world, a cosmos full of ideas, concerns, dreams, curiosity and many adventures to discover. For this reason, and because we want to go beyond conventional toys and offer proposals for educational games that open doors to new experiences, sensations and skills, in this post we will give you some ideas for original gifts for children to give for Christmas.

If you don't know what to give a child for Christmas , these suggestions will open your mind. Think about the recipient of your gift: maybe it's a baby you want to help awaken his or her senses, a girl who wants to explore the amazing world of robotics and programming, or a boy who wants to take his first steps in the symbolic game of cooking because he dreams of being a chef in the future.

Dive into these creative Christmas gift ideas for children and you will surely find something that connects with the little person to whom you are writing the letter to Santa Claus or the Three Wise Men.

8 creative things to give a child for Christmas

Christmas children's gifts

  • Surprise kit to learn a hobby : you can do it yourself or buy it ready-made. A calligraphy or lettering set, their first watercolors, a children's toolbox , beads to start making their own jewelry, archeology toys or a small children's ceramic wheel are some good ideas.
  • Climbing cube : If you are looking to give a very complete gift to a young child to encourage physical activity, cognitive learning, exploration, agility, balance or imagination, the climbing play cube is ideal. You can go from climbing to creating a little house and a hiding place, going down the slide and practicing free movement, improving your psychomotor skills. Find it at this link .
  • Children's photo camera: photography is an expressive activity of great artistic value that allows children to capture memories, acquire responsibility, let their imagination fly, photograph their loved ones or carefully observe nature and connect with the environment. On the Education 3.0 blog you will find a list of the best specific cameras for children.
  • Tipi, their favorite hiding place : Giving a tipi allows children to have a very special hiding place within their reach, tell stories, have their toys, spend nights camping and telling stories.
  • Your first steps with the garden : growing plants, caring for a bonsai or having a family garden is a great activity. To get started, it is ideal to have a mini gardening kit ideal for children , with its watering can, gloves and tools such as a shovel or rake. You can complete the gift with their first pots, seeds, cuttings and a bag of soil.
  • Puzzles, a timeless classic : puzzles provide numerous benefits for children , such as exercising visual memory, recognizing shapes and colors or training cognitive skills. To make the right choice, make sure that the theme and aesthetics of the puzzle correspond to the child's interests.
  • Wooden kitchenettes : instilling a passion for cooking from early childhood is possible thanks to the symbolic games of this type. Ignite your culinary spark and motivate your creativity between the stoves with the pastry kit, the coffee maker with wooden cups or a complete kitchenette. You can also opt for the fruits and vegetables to cut, the toaster or the tea set, all of which are available here .
  • Scientific games : mathematical and STEM toys feed children's curiosity, enliven their analytical capacity, stimulate logical-mathematical thinking and cultivate skills such as programming. Bet on a robotic arm or a robotic crab, a weather station to learn about the ins and outs of weather, a model of the solar system or a scientific set so they can marvel at magnetic science. They are a great way to learn and have fun at the same time with a very special Christmas gift.

And if you still doubt, sit down with them to write the letter to the Three Wise Men. Don't forget the surprise factor and remember to add a spark of magic and curiosity.


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