11 ideas for healthy and delicious picnics for children
With the arrival of good weather, eating in the park, going on a hike with a healthy snack or enjoying a good sandwich by the river becomes an ideal plan...
7 benefits of playing outdoors (and what activities to do with children outside)
If you really love nature, you will find beauty everywhere Vincent van Gogh
Fun and free plans to do in spring-summer 2023 with children
Summer's afternoon; For me these have always been the two most beautiful words in my language Henry James
Games for children to die of laughter
The time you spend laughing is time you spend with the gods Japanese proverb
Stories and films to educate about diversity and raise awareness against harassment
If we all pulled in the same direction, the world would turn upside down. Jewish proverb
What is children's fine motor skills and how to stimulate it from babies
What the hand does, the mind remembers Maria Montessori
How to stimulate children's musical ear: toys, resources and tricks
Music is an echo of the invisible world Giuseppe Mazzini
How to start hiking with children: training, routes and tips
I have two doctors, my left leg and my right leg George Macaulay Trevelyan
Essential things to take to the beach if you have children
Escaping and sitting quietly on the beach: that's my idea of paradise Emilia Wickstead
8 activities to play and learn at Easter with children
Do what you want, but let it be fun for you. Walt Whitman