7 ways to help a child be happier
Joy is not in things, it is in us Richard Wagner
How children can learn mathematics in a fun way
For those who do not know mathematics, it is difficult to feel the beauty of nature. If you want to appreciate it, you need to learn the language in which...
European Speech Therapy Day: best toys to stimulate speech and language
Language is the clothing of thoughts Samuel Johnson
How to play music for your baby during pregnancy
Music is an oasis in my head River Phoenix
Benefits of light tables for your children
The light tables They are one of the most versatile, complete and wonderful toys that you can buy for your children, both for the benefits they offer for their development and...
Makeup and costume ideas for children for carnival 2023
There is no need to cry, because life is a carnival and the sorrows are sung Celia Cruz
Bathtub toys: how to get your child to have a great time in the water
If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water Loran Eisely
How to stimulate your children's imagination: 7 techniques to make them more creative
What is our imagination compared to that of a child trying to make a railway out of asparagus? Jules Renard Imagination is an incredible intrinsically human gift that, as George...
International Education Day: difference between educational and conventional toys
This Tuesday, January 24, International Education Day is celebrated. Why is it a key date for our project? At this moment in the calendar it is commemorated and celebrates the role...
Cucamenta in Decopeques
🌟 CUCAMENTA in DECOPEQUES We are very excited that you have thought of us 💜. Decopeques is a Blog about Children's Decoration, Furniture, Fashion and Childcare in which you will...